The Best of Jim Baen's Universe II
edited by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
edited by Jason Cordova
by John Dalmas
edited by Hank Davis and Sean CW Korsgaard
by Gordon R. Dickson
edited by Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell
by David Weber and Richard Fox
by Leo Frankowski
by Dean Ing
by Tom Kratman
by Marc Miller
by Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling
Of Berserkers, Swords and Vampires
by Fred Saberhagen
by Brad R. Torgersen
by John Van Stry
Veteran's Day Ebook Collection
SKU: veterans-day-collection

The Best of Jim Baen's Universe II edited by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
Chicks in Tank Tops edited by Jason Cordova
The Lion of Farside by John Dalmas
They're Here! edited by Hank Davis and Sean CW Korsgaard
Time Storm by Gordon R. Dickson
No Game for Knights edited by Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell
Governor by David Weber and Richard Fox
A Boy and His Tank by Leo Frankowski
The Rackham Files by Dean Ing
Dirty Water by Tom Kratman
Agent of the Imperium by Marc Miller
Go Tell the Spartans by Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling
Of Berserkers, Swords and Vampires by Fred Saberhagen
A Star-Wheeled Sky by Brad R. Torgersen
Summer's End by John Van Stry
The Best of Jim Baen's Universe II
Astounding Tales! (Also Amazing and Astonishing!)
Tell the truth: you flat-out love science fiction and fantasy. Time travel. Space opera. Alternate history. Doesn't matter. What you love is the story. The great idea. The adventure and action. That good old-fashioned science fiction staple, the Sense of Wonder.
We know exactly how you feel. Here's the best of the best: new science fiction tales told by the likes of David Drake, Gregory Benford, Gene Wolfe, Esther Friesner, Mike Resnick, John Barnes, and L. E. Modesitt, Jr. The list of award-winning story-tellers and brilliant new talent goes on and on. More important: here are stories that grip you. Transport you. Expand your universe. Make you late for important appointments like bedtime and supper!
Edited by New York Times best-seller and creator of the hugely-popular "Ring of Fire" series, Eric Flint, a master story-teller in his own right, these tales are all taken from the e-pages of Jim Baen's Universe, the new standard in science fiction storytelling created and inspired by publisher and editor Jim Baen, whose nose for a great story made him a science fiction legend!
"[T]he story comes first and foremost."—Eric Flint, Jim Baen's Universe Editor-in-Chief
Chicks in Tank Tops
Featuring all-new stories inspired by the classic Chicks in Chainmail series!
A boy and his dog. A girl and her tank. Tropes have been with us throughout all of history. Any girl would gladly trade in her skimpy armor for a tank. While a little bit of chainmail can take a chick far, heavy armor can take one even farther.
Besides, what’s not to love about chicks in tank tops? From pure near-future military science fiction to Pride and Prejudice with zombies, AI tanks, and true love!
All-new stories by: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, David Drake, Jody Lynn Nye, Kevin Ikenberry, Esther Friesner, Joelle Presby, Robert E. Hampson, A.C. Haskins, Lydia Sherrer & David Sherrer, G. Scott Huggins, Philip Wohlrab, Marisa Wolf, and Jason Cordova & Ashley Prior.
The Lion of Farside
The Macurdies had been farmers for generations, and Curtis Macurdy would have been content to spend his life with his exotically beautiful wife Varia, earning a living by tilling his plot of land in the American Midwest. Varia was from Yuulith, a magical world separated from Earth by only a dimensional barrier that could sometimes be broached.
When her superiors in the Sisterhood demanded that she return to Yuulith, she-disobeyed-and so one day Macurdy came home and found that the Sisterhood had abducted Varia, taking her from Farside as they called our world, to Yuulith.
That was a big mistake. Macurdy may have seemed to be an ordinary farm, but this would not be the first time that under the surface of an unassuming landholder lurked a strategic genius of the highest order; and he would follow Varia across the dimensional barrier to get her back, even if he had to raise his own army and crush any nation or rulerwho stood in his way-and in the process become the invincible warload Makurdi, known to his followers as-
They're Here!
“Where is everybody?” Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi once asked after a discussion about the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. To sum up the Fermi Paradox, if the billions of stars in our galaxy have planets with intelligent life on them, why hasn’t anyone visited us?
But maybe they have, and we just haven’t noticed—and that’s the way they want it. And if they are here in secret, why are they here? Are they tourists? Anthropologists, perhaps? Or journalists sending stories back about the quaint habits of the primitives? Or maybe the extraterrestrial equivalent of hunters or fishermen? (Any odd disappearances in your neighborhood lately?) An enemy already within the gates? Or a refugee seeking sanctuary? Gourmets looking for exotic foreign food? Alien criminals hiding out? Alien cops looking for those alien criminals? No missionaries—at least not yet—and there doesn’t seem to be a Galactic Peace Corps. They might happen to look close enough to human to pass, or they might be masters of disguise. Or they might be so incomprehensibly different that we don’t even notice that they’re here.
The secret visitors are revealed by such luminaries as Larry Niven, Poul Anderson, Spider Robinson, Neil Gaiman, and more. And if any alien visitors want to check out the local natives’ speculations herein, feel free. Please pay with local currency, of course.
Time Storm
A MOST UNIQUE APOCALYPSE from Grand Master Gordon R. Dickson
The time storm had devastated the Earth, and all but a small fraction of humankind has vanished. In the rubble of the world, three survivors had formed an unlikely trio: Marc Despard, determined to find a way to stop the time storm; a leopard, dazed by the storm and following after Despard like a kitten; and a young woman with an unbreakable bond to the leopard.
Now, Marc searches relentlessly for a clue to the nature of the storm, not guessing that the time storm threatens not just the Earth but the entire universe—and that his two companions were the only hope of reversing the distortions in the fabric of the cosmos that were about to bring an end to all of space and time . . .
A classic of post-apocalyptic science fiction from Grand Master Gordon R. Dickson.
No Game for Knights
“Knights had no meaning in this game. It wasn’t a game for knights.” —Raymond Chandler
In a world of criminals, thugs, con artists, cheats, and swindlers, there must be a man to stand against the powers of darkness and corruption. A man not afraid to walk the mean streets—whether they be those of 1930s Los Angeles, an ancient fantasy realm, or some far-flung planet of a future star empire. He is a man who knows that a “good man” is not always a “nice guy.” But when the chips are down, he understands that a hero does the right thing, even if it means losing everything.
He is Sam Spade. He is Philip Marlowe. He is Rick Deckard. He is Harry Dresden.
He is all these men and more.
Now, join Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell as they present all-new stories of fantasy and science fiction with a hardboiled detective bent by today’s top authors.
Grab the bottle of Scotch from your bottom desk drawer. Light a cigarette. Tilt your fedora back on your head. But don’t forget to watch your back. This is No Game for Knights.
Stories by: Laurell K. Hamilton, Larry Correia, Christopher Ruocchio, Michael Haspil, D.J. Butler, Kacey Ezell, Griffin Barber, Robert Buettner, Sharon Shinn, Craig Martelle, Chris Kennedy, S.A. Bailey, G. Scott Huggins, Nicole Givens Kurtz, and Rob Howell.
For more than fifty years, the Terran Republic and the Terran League have been killing one another. The death toll has climbed ever higher, year after year, with no end in sight. But the members of the Five Hundred, the social elite of the Republic’s Heart Worlds, don’t care.
Rear Admiral Terrence Murphy is a Heart Worlder. His family is part of the Five Hundred. His wife is the daughter of one of the Five Hundred’s wealthiest, most powerful industrialists. His sons and his daughter can easily avoid military service, and political power is his for the taking. There is no end to how high he can rise in the Republic’s power structure.
All he has to do is successfully complete a risk-free military “governorship” in the backwater Fringe System of New Dublin without rocking the boat. But the people sending him to New Dublin have miscalculated, because Terrence Murphy is a man who believes in honor. Who believes in duty—in common decency and responsibility. Who believes there are dark and dangerous secrets behind the façade of what “everyone knows.”
Terrence Murphy intends to meet those responsibilities, to unearth those secrets, and he doesn’t much care what the Five Hundred want. He intends to put a stop to the killing.
Terrence Murphy is coming for whoever has orchestrated fifty-six years of bloodshed and slaughter, and Hell itself is coming with him.
A Boy and His Tank
He Was a Rugged, Hardened Combat Veteran Who Had
Gone to Hell and Back—in Virtual Reality! Now He Had to
Face the Real Thing.. .
The planet New Kashubia started out as a gas giant, but when its sun went supernova, lighter elements were blasted into space. All that was left was a ball of heavy metals, heated to 8,000 degrees. As it cooled, tungsten solidified first at the surface, and layers of other metals continued down to a ball of mercury at the center. The sun meanwhile evolved into a pulsar with a deadly beam of radiation that baked the planet's surface. The New Kashuhians lived inside the planet, in tunnels drilled in a thousand foot thick layer of solid gold.
Still without carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, or even dirt, the colonists were the poorest people in the universe.
But when they combined virtual reality with tank warfare, giving their warriors symbiosis with their intelligent tanks, neither war nor the galaxy would ever be the same. Not to mention sex...
"When I teach science fiction, I use Frankowski's books as an example of how to do it right." —Gene Wolfe
". . . the action is gripping, and there are plenty of novel twists and ironic moments." —Locus
"A Boy and His Tank is a literate military adventure laced with political allegory—and a great deal of fun." —Starlog
"... a likeable adventure story . . . [with] appeal to general readers as well as those drawn specifically to military SF." —Science Fiction Chronicle
The Rackham Files
Harve Rackham: Bounty hunter, race-car driver. His best friend is a hunting cheetah. Ready for "dirty" bombs from terrorists, or full-fledged nukes from a rogue nation, Harve has turned his California home into a survival shelter. He intends to pull through.
Shar McKay: Harve's little sister. Shar's latest fad is nuclear survival. She intends for her husband and kids to all pull through.
Ernest McKay: Engineer. He has the knowledge and skills to save his family. With his help they'll all pull through.
Kate Gallo: Runaway, forger, a tough street survivor. She's trouble—but when real troubles come down, Kate will always pull through.
They're tough, they're survivors, and this is their story: A novel of the day after Doomsday by a New York Times best-selling author.
Publisher's Note: Parts of The Rackham Files have been published separately, in the novel Pulling Through, in the volume Firefight: Y2K, and in the volume Combat, edited by Stephen Coonts. This is the first unified publication of the entire Harve Rackham series.
Dean Ing has written many bestsellers combining High-tech (and accurate) technology with fast-moving thriller plots in the vein of Tom Clancy and Stephen Coonts, including the New York Times best seller, The Ransom of Black Stealth One. Kirkus Reviews has called his work "credible and entertaining." His 1980 novel Soft Targets has proven prophetic with its warning of the vulnerability of the United States to terrorist attacks. He is also a widely published science fiction writer, and has been a Hugo and Nebula Awards finalist. His contributions to the Man-Kzin Wars volumes have been among the most popular in that best-selling series. A former U.S. Air Force interceptor crew chief, Ing has designed, built, and raced prototype sports cars while becoming a senior research engineer in the aerospace industry for Lockheed, United, and others. He and his wife live in Ashland, Oregon.
Dirty Water
1462: an alien who feasts on the suffering of sentient beings dines off the agonies of Vlad the Impaler’s twenty-thousand victims near Targoviste, Romania.
1688: a woman is framed for witchcraft and hanged by the neck in Boston.
1965: a toy store that never seems to run out of special toys is suspected of being the location of a temporal portal, the same one used by the agony-feeding alien.
2022: a grandfather, showing his young grandchildren what remains of the Boston of his youth, is shown that portal by his granddaughters.
And they’re off! Off through the gate that grants wishes, off to deal with time travel, off to break and enter, off to endure the pain of seeing afresh loved ones long since departed in their own time. They’re off to deal with hardened, murderous criminals and with equally murderous aliens.
And all of that is set around the time of Christmas joy, in old, fine hotels, with presents, fresh loves, Handel’s Messiah, a department store’s enchanted village, old delicacies, modern weapons, lasers . . . and a very special calico cat.
Agent of the Imperium
Jonathan Bland is a Decider, empowered by the Emperor himself to deal with the inevitable crises of an empire. In the service of the Empire, he has killed more people than anyone in the history of humanity, to save a hundred times as many. He died centuries ago, but they reactivate his recorded personality whenever a new threat appears. When the crisis is over, they expect he will meekly return to oblivion.
He has other ideas.
The chronicle of Bland reveals secrets of the history of the star-spanning Third Imperium and spans 400 years from early Imperium (about year 300) through the mid-post Civil War period (about year 700) touching known and unknown events you may have encountered in your own reading of the Imperium: everyday events, political intrigue, deadly dangers, Arbellatra, Capital, Encyclopediopolis, the Karand's Palace, and a Tigress-class Dreadnought.
If you know the Traveller science-fiction role-playing game, then some of this is already familiar; if not, no matter—this story introduces the vast human-dominated interstellar empire of the far future in ways only the designer and chronicler of this particular universe can.
Go Tell the Spartans
Stranger, go and tell the Spartans
That we lie here, obedient to their commands.
Since the late 20th century, the Soviet-American CoDominium had kept the peace, both on Earth and among the stars. But now the CoDominium is dying, and its death-throes will be terrible; already the nations arm for their final battle. With Earth doomed, mankind's sole hope for a future worth having rests on a planet called Sparta, a planet where American idealists have raised once more the banner of a liberty that has been forgotten amid the corruptions and tyrannies of Earth.
The Spartans know that they must be strong to survive; that is why they hired John Christian Falkenberg and his Legion to train them. What the Spartans do not know is that Falkenberg's enemies have become their own—that Grand Senator Bronson's techno-ninja will follow the Legion to Sparta, and there wreak a terrible vengeance aimed at ending the Spartan experiment before it has fairly begun . . .
Of Berserkers, Swords and Vampires
Best-selling author Fred Saberhagen created three popular series: his Berserker stories and novels telling of the endless war of humans and their alien allies against the Berserkers, gigantic robot battleships programmed by an unknown extinct race to destroy all life in the galaxy; his high fantasy Lost Swords series; and his Dracula series, the first novels to tell a story from the vampire's point of view. In a book that will be irresistible for the thousands of Saberhagen fans, all three series are represented here, as well as gems from his other series, including his first-published story and his last-written story, marking the endpoints of a remarkable writer's remarkable career that spanned more than four decades As Joan Spicci Saberhagen writes in her foreword, "Even Fred's most ardent fans will have a fresh look at his talents. Whatever the setting, Fred's stories provide fast moving action and a thought provoking theme."
A Star-Wheeled Sky
Well over a millennia in the past, men and women fled Earth. Escaping Armageddon. What they found—lost in some forgotten corner of the Milky Way Galaxy—was the Waywork: an alien superhighway system between a closed sphere of stars. Now, the five Starstates—which rule all that’s left of humanity—are poised on the brink of another terrible war. And three unlikely people—the daring daughter of a royal family, the reluctant son of an interstellar shipping magnate, and a disgraced flag officer seeking redemption—must come together to race against the forces of their greatest foe. Because the Waywork may at last be ready to give up its secrets, and one woman—a merciless autocrat, from the Waywork’s most brutal regime—is determined to ensure that she controls it all. It’s a clash of civilizations, as the future of the human race hangs in the balance!
Summer's End
Fresh out of college with his Ship Engineer 3rd-Class certificate, Dave Walker’s only thought is to try to find a berth on a corporate ship plying the trade routes between the many habs, orbitals, and moons in the Solar System. The problem for Dave, however, isn’t his straight C average; it’s that his stepfather, a powerful Earth senator he’s never met, now wants him dead.
Forced to take the first berth he can find, Dave ends up on the Iowa Hill, an old tramp freighter running with a minimal crew and nearing the end of its useful life, plying the routes that the corporations ignore and visiting the kinds of places that the folks on Earth pretend don’t exist.
Between the assassins, the criminals, and the pirates he needs to deal with, Dave is discovering that there are a lot of things out there that he still needs to learn.
But there’s one hard lesson he learned long ago that he’s being forced to remember: how to be ruthless.
Veteran's Day Ebook Collection
The Best of Jim Baen's Universe II edited by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
Chicks in Tank Tops edited by Jason Cordova
The Lion of Farside by John Dalmas
They're Here! edited by Hank Davis and Sean CW Korsgaard
Time Storm by Gordon R. Dickson
No Game for Knights edited by Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell
Governor by David Weber and Richard Fox
A Boy and His Tank by Leo Frankowski
The Rackham Files by Dean Ing
Dirty Water by Tom Kratman
Agent of the Imperium by Marc Miller
Go Tell the Spartans by Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling
Of Berserkers, Swords and Vampires by Fred Saberhagen
A Star-Wheeled Sky by Brad R. Torgersen
Summer's End by John Van Stry
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