October Contest Winner

In October, we asked what figure from the Old West—real or fictional—you'd like to see face off against monsters from science fiction and fantasy for a chance to win a copy of Straight Outta Deadwood, signed by editor David Boop.
If I had to pick just one person it would be Wild Bill Hickock. Larger than life and wilder than all get out, no space critter would stand a chance against Wild Bill and his brace of .44 caliber Navy revolvers. A steely glint in his eye and a spit of chewing tobacco in the dust would signal the end of any little green men from Mars or tentacled beast from Uranus. No need to call up the posse, they would just get in the way of a man on a mission. Come Hell or High Noon, something will be hanging from the rope at the end of that cowboy’s day.