December Contest Winner

Contest Winner

In December we asked you to send us your original holiday-themed joke with a science fiction or fantasy twist. Congrats to Gordon Grey Parks! He wins a copy of All the Plagues of Hell and Space Pioneers, signed by the authors and editors!

Odin, the father of the Norse gods, stared at the Christmas present in his hands. "But what, by me, is this?" he asked.

"Why, it's a golden Apple I-Phone!" explained Iðunn, keeper of the golden apples of youth.

"You can use it to send tweets on twitter!" croaked Huginn, one of Odin's two magical ravens.

"And play Angry Birds," croaked Muninn, the other of his two ravens.

"How am I expected to use this?" the one-eyed Odin asked his son Thor. "I can't see anything on this screen."

"Oh . . ." said Thor. "You need to install the i-Patch

—Gordon Grey Parks