Fractured Fairy Tale

In Sarah Hoyt’s Through Fire, science fiction meets fairy tale when Zen Sienna finds herself transformed from a spaceship mechanic into a princess straight out of Hans Christian Andersen. Which got us thinking: what SF/Fairy Tale mashup would you most like to see? Spock and Kirk meet the Three Bears? Han and Chewie take on the Big Bad Wolf? Keep your entry neither too long, nor too short, but just right (approximately 100 words). The winner will receive a handful of magic beans—er, we mean a copy of Through Fire, signed by Sarah Hoyt. (And no fair asking the genie of the lamp for help!)

Send your entry to no later than May 20th. Put “May Contest” in the subject field and please remember to include your name! One entry per person, please. Entries become property of Baen Books and may be published as part of the winner announcement. Winner will be selected by Baen editorial staff.

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