
The Latter-Day Olympians Boxed Set

Tori Karacis's family line may trace back to a drunken liaison between the god Pan and one of the immortal gorgons. Or . . . maybe it's just coincidence that her glance can, literally, stop men in their tracks—a useful quirk for a PI.

Whatever the truth of those rumors, she's wrapped up enough in the affairs of the gods and gorgons, dragons and demons of Olympus and other pantheons; if she never saw another immortal again, it would be too soon. Unfortunately, Apollo, Hades, and the Gray Sisters, among others, have something to say about that.

Between taking cases, placating ancient gods, and managing a more-than-usually-supernatural love life, Tori has her work cut out for her. From murder, to kidnapping, to cultists, Tori has seen it all.

That was before they asked her to save the world.

This boxed set includes all five volumes in the Latter-Day Olympians series: Bad Blood, Crazy in the Blood, Rise of the Blood, Battle for the Blood, and Blood Hunt.


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

Bad Blood, copyright © 2011 Lucienne Diver, first published by Samhain Publishing Ltd., 2011 e-book, 2012 print.
Crazy in the Blood, copyright © 2012 Lucienne Diver, first published by Samhain Publishing Ltd., 2012 e-book, 2013 print.
Rise of the Blood, copyright © 2013 Lucienne Diver, first published by Samhain Publishing Ltd., 2013 e-book, 2014 print.
Battle for the Blood, copyright © 2014 Lucienne Diver, first published by Samhain Publishing Ltd., 2014 e-book, 2015 print.
Blood Hunt, copyright © 2015 Lucienne Diver, first published by Samhain Publishing Ltd., 2015.

Distributed by WordFire Press
an imprint of WordFire Inc
PO Box 1840
Monument, CO 80132

Printed in the United States of America

Copyright © 2019 WordFire, Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

WordFire Press
an imprint of WordFire Inc
PO Box 1840
Monument, CO 80132

Electronic version by Baen Books
