
Swords Against Wizardry

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser-Book 4

CoverWith Swords Against Wizardry, the fourth installment of the Lankhmar series, the story unveils behind the curtain in the Witch's Tent. Fafhrd and Gray Mouser are there to consult a sorceress who holds the secret to their escape but when would they ever need to escape? Would they need this knowledge when they journey to Stardock? Where is there to escape up there?

No doubt the icy seduction of "the cruel one", with her greed for both gore and graciousness, could offer them several ways out. Their luck has been good so far; one way out should work. Their luck continues as thieves. They are the best thieves in Lankhmar until better positions arise: The Lords of Quarmall. Gray Mouser and Fafhrd steal a kingdom within a hill and declare themselves Lord.


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, December 2009

Electronic version by Baen Books


Copyright© 1968 by Fritz Leiber

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

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