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The purpose of this book is to clear, at least logically, some of the misconceptions which the people have been subjected to in various articles regarding our neighbors in space, using nothing but common sense analysis on the basis of constructive law. Up-to-date, everything that has been so far published has been based largely on the retarding or backward law and of a hostile nature.

Even in spite of himself in a lot of cases, man upon Earth is progressive. Being the product of nature, man could be taken as a good measuring stick for the vast universe within which he lives. Even though he makes many mistakes which are against himself, we still see nothing but steady progress by man on Earth, governed largely by a natural law. We must then assume that nature herself, and the whole infinite space, is on a march of progress.

It would be a folly to think, as many people do, that this small pebble called “Earth” would be the only pebble on which human life exists, when there are trillions of planets and systems far greater in their size than this Earth of ours, and with vaster natural resources than we have. From the spiritual side of life it would be giving the Creator, whoever He may be by name, very little credit for His intelligence, by Him creating far vaster systems and planets than our own and not have them inhabited by His highest form of expression, called “man”. There really would be no rhyme nor reason for such a creation.

So we are endeavoring here to reasonably speculate upon such inhabitation of other planets. To be right, as one possibly could be, we must use the laws known to man upon this Earth, which are the laws of growth or progression, to give us some basis for measuring the intelligence upon other planets and throughout other systems.

There is a common urge within every man that. calls upon him from time to time to associate himself closer with his fellowman. Yet because his knowledge is not sufficient to permit a feeling of absolute assurance or security for himself and his family, man ignores this call that comes from within himself towards relationship with his fellowbeings and founds himself upon the law of survival of the fittest. As a result his struggle for existence is thereby increased.

Using this analysis in line with the law of progress, it is natural to assume that in every field of human relationship progress towards such a relationship must be made somewhere whether it be spiritual or natural, for there is no standing still. So if we take our solar system and consider it as a sort of school system with our planet as the first grade classroom, we should find progression from this point on to infinity both in the material and the spiritual. And especially the spiritual, for the finer quality of intelligence could not do anything different than bring forth a finer quality of form. Since the spiritual has represented the finest from time immemorial, it would then naturally reproduce the finest in form and put its binder of mankind into the brotherhood society. We on Earth haven’t yet realized this type of life but it is logical to assume that inhabitants of other planets may have done so.

We can take the Earth in general as a measuring stick for many things. Let us take for an example the well-known tree. A tree is a tree no matter where you find it. Yet trees vary in their form manifestation, differing in their size, height, and shape. These variations man classifies under different names. Still the form is a tree whether you find it at one end of the world or at another, and no matter under what climatic conditions, for the pattern is universal. A tree in one part of the world may be quite coarse and in another part of the world quite delicate, but still it is a tree.

What the writer is trying to bring out is this, the geometrical pattern of any form is universal. The effects upon such a form on other planets are brought about through the climatic conditions of each planet, as they are in this world. It is also true that the mentality of human beings would have a distinct effect upon the forms, either coarse or fine, depending upon the stage of development; yet the foundation of the geometrical pattern for its form would be universal. The mental would be a governor of whether that form is coarse or fine, pretty much the same as the climatic conditions or atmospheric pressure govern the form of a tree.

So the reader of this book may readily see how it is possible for a fine quality of human life to be on other planets beyond ours.

Now let us ask a few questions here before proceeding with the book.

It has been said many times that the craters upon the Moon have been made by meteoric bombardment. Is it really possible to have a meteor strike a spot on Earth. create a crater by doing so and leave not only one but in some cases many mountains standing within the center of that crater?

My answer is “no”. For if a meteor made a crater it would have a flat bottom like the one in Arizona and other places.

Second: can we have extreme cold without moisture or moist air to make it so?

I question that. Yet we are told that there is no air on the Moon, while in the same breath we are told that the dark side of the Moon which we do not see is very cold and the side that we do see is very hot.

How could the dark side be very cold unless there was moisture to produce it?

If that be true, then it is absolutely true that the cold air from the dark side is not bottled up or fenced off from the heat of the light side. According to known law, the heat of the light side would penetrate the cold for a certain distance. If it does that, then there must be a temperate zone where the dark and the light meet, which would also make it possible for humans to live there.

Besides, the Moon is supposed to be of very rocky formation and it doesn’t make any difference what sort of rock it is, be it hard, soft, or any kind, nothing can be held together in total absence of moisture. So anything that contains moisture or is held together by moisture will attract and give off moisture. Even metals will sweat. When total dehydration takes place there is no longer form. It is dust. This being true, it stands to reason that there must be air or moisture of some kind or other upon the Moon.

Is the ocean near the surface void of fish because it is light pressured?


Is it void of fish because of a heavy pressure at the bottom of the ocean?


And all between, does the pattern of the fish change due to the heavy pressure at the bottom or the light pressure at the surface of the ocean?

No. The pattern is the same. The only difference is in the structure of the form itself, complying with the various pressures.

In this vast universe space is like the ocean and the planets within it are comparable to the various stratas of pressure within the vast ocean. In each strata, human and all forms of life can be just as easily as the fish are in the ocean. Since other planets about this Earth planet are supposed to have rarified air, then the human forms as well as all other forms would be of a finer structure, finer and more delicate as well as quicker in mentality. For we know that light pressures allow molecules to move about very fast, while heavy pressure slows them down.

So when we speak of a light pressure of air upon any planet and since it is logical that it be inhabited, then it would be farther in advancement than the people on the heavy pressure planet.

Scientists have analyzed numerous meteors and found them to be composed of rock and metal such as is found upon this Earth plane. This has proven quite definitely that other planets are composed of the same minerals as our own planet. Of course, this has also been proven by means of the spectroscope which analyzes the light rays reflected from the planets, but the meteors alone are proof to even the most skeptical person.

Perhaps the most interesting discovery in regard to these meteors is that made by Dr. Charles B. Lipman, of the University of California. With the aid of modern scientific equipment Dr. Lipman analyzed the interior of many meteors and found them to contain life-germs which correspond perfectly with those found on our own planet. What a marvelous thought to consider is this, that the great universe with its billions of planets and millions of solar systems is sending from one planet to another a message of all-inclusive life. These meteors drop on other planets just as they do upon our own, and in their hearts they carry the story of relativity.

Upon these facts, known law and common-sense logic we base what you are about to read.

While this is at present in the field of fiction, the advance of science is so rapid that it will not be long before all of this will become a reality. Therefore we suggest to the owner of this book if he wishes to, to establish in his community a round table for discussion, using the book as a text. Should there be any questions in such a group that could not be solved during the time of discussion, the head of the group may send such a question to the author and he will endeavor to clear it if possible.

Such questions should be addressed to:

“Advanced Thinkers Club”

c/o Professor George Adamski

Box 346

Valley Center, California


$6 ½ million endowment of General Education Fund of Rockefeller Institute.

2,040 acres.

5,500-foot altitude.

137-foot diameter revolving dome, weight 1,000 ton.

200-inch telescope tube, 60-foot long, weight 150 ton.

200-inch Pyrex mirror, weight 15 ton, 2-foot thick at edge.

500 ton weight of whole mounting.

20-foot diameter dome, housing 18-inch telescope.

45-foot diameter dome, housing 48-inch telescope.

Museum for display of astronomical views.

Cottages for maintenance families.

200-inch mirror brought up November 17, 1947.

First test picture taken December 23, 1947.

Light travels 186,000 miles per second.

About 6 trillion miles equals 1 light year.

200-inch telescope looks out 1 billion light years.

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