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Chapter Fifty

There are so many ways to kill a prisoner, and so many ways to make it entertaining.

—Supreme General Mah Sajak

Princess Meghina sat beside her husband in the royal box, with immense red-and-gold banners fluttering overhead, each emblazoned with the golden tigerhorse crest of the House of del Velli. They gazed down on the broad central square of the capital city, thronged with people who came to see the public executions. It was a cloudy afternoon, and she shivered as a breeze picked up from the west.

At the near end of the square, a platform had been constructed with a simple-looking chair mounted atop it … a device that her husband had said was actually a newly-designed execution machine. Perhaps a meter away, and around the same height as the empty chair, stood an alloy framework with a black tube on top of it. Wishing to spare herself some of the horror of whatever they had in mind for the prisoner, she had not asked him for details, and had silenced him when he tried to tell her. But in her high station, she still had to attend the event.

Now she gasped as a blue flame surged straight in the air from the top of the alloy stand, coming from the tube. The crowd roared its mindless approval, and then grew even louder when four guards escorted the condemned man toward the platform. Sajak wore a red hood over his head, and a simple red smock; without his uniform he looked very small and thin. Onlookers moved aside as the guards pressed their way through.

Meghina, the most famous noblewoman in the Merchant Prince Alliance, loathed these macabre spectacles that Lorenzo staged too frequently, and disliked the way he made her observe them whenever they were together. She and the Doge could not be any different, but eighteen years ago she had consented to marry him for the sake of her own House of Siriki, to give her people enhanced military protection and commercial benefits.

Over the time that they had been married—living much of the time on different worlds—she had tried to see good things in him, and on occasion his small kindnesses surfaced. But she felt no passion for the nobleman, no spark, not the way she had cherished Prince Saito. Such a distinguished old gentleman the industrialist had been, and what a terrible loss when he didn’t come out of his coma. She wondered if the rumors were true, that his own son had attacked CorpOne, leading to his death. If so, she hoped he got what he deserved.

In front of the Doge and his lady, entertainers wandered through the crowd, playing music, singing songs, and juggling, throwing glimmerballs high in the air. Hawkers worked the perimeter, selling gourmet foods to the excited people who had come to see fifteen traitors die.

How ironic this whole scenario was, Meghina thought, as she watched two black-robed men take custody of the hooded prisoner and lead him up the steps of the platform. General Mah Sajak had been a renowned torturer of Mutatis, and now Lorenzo promised he was going to die as horribly as he always gave it out himself. Fittingly, according to her husband, today’s means of execution was a device of Sajak’s own invention, a machine that he had been developing, and which no one had ever put to use. Until now.

Atop the platform, one of the robed men removed Sajak’s hood with a flourish, which seemed odd to Meghina. Normally it was the other way around; they put a hood on a victim just before executing him, a gesture of compassion at the end. But there was nothing normal about today’s event. General Sajak had been the most trusted military officer in the entire Merchant Prince Alliance, and had committed the ultimate betrayal.

Seeing the chair and the blue flame beside it, Sajak began to scream in terror, and tried unsuccessfully to free himself. The crowd grew quiet, except for the call of a food hawker, an odd sound drowned out by the General’s panicked shrieks.

“No, no!” he pleaded. “Not this! Please, not this! I’ll give you more names, people who conspire against the Doge!” Even from her distance of perhaps thirty meters away, Meghina saw the terror on the disgraced officer’s gaunt face, the way his eyes seemed twice their normal size.

Doge Lorenzo waved one hand, and a holo-image appeared in the air over the execution machine, a three-dimensional schematic drawing of the device.

“General Mah Sajak invented this machine himself!” a mechanical voice proclaimed over the loudspeaker system. “These are his own drawings!”

The image spun slowly, so that all could see it.

The elegant Princess didn’t want to watch this terrible event, but knew she had no choice. Her husband and the crowd would expect it, and she could not lose face by disappointing them.

“No!” Sajak screamed. He tried to kick one of the robed men in the groin, but a thick garment prevented this. In response, the man backhanded the prisoner, sending him sprawling. Forcefully, the ominously-attired pair then dragged Sajak to the chair and strapped him to it, while he continued to scream and shout his promises to reveal new information.

It did him no good, for his fate had been sealed. A black, rather dented robot climbed the platform, and removed the tube that was shooting the blue flame, so that it was now a mobile torch.

Pointing it toward the sky, the robot turned the flame up, to double its previous size. The crowd thundered its approval.

Even over that noise, Meghina heard Sajak’s screams.

“Louder,” Doge Lorenzo said, to an aide.

Moments later, someone turned up the volume on a fireproof microphone that Sajak wore on his person. His shuddering screams reverberated across the square, sending the crowd into a frenzy of pleasure.

* * * * *

Holding the torch, the sentient robot activated a laser eye on it, and directed a bright red light at the prisoner’s booted left foot. Jimu moved closer, and a metallic strap shot out of the device in his hand, wrapping itself around Sajak’s lower left leg, just above his ankle.

“No!” he screamed. “Don’t do this to me!”

The blue flame darted forward hungrily, and consumed the boot and the General’s foot. His screams intensified, but the robot paid no attention. This evil man had tried to assassinate the Doge, the greatest Human in the galaxy.

Where there had been a foot only moments before, nothing but a charred, cauterized stump remained now.

Moments later, Jimu burned the right foot off. The robot expected Sajak to pass out from the pain, but he didn’t, and kept wailing and crying for mercy. An expert at torture himself, the General was suffering indignity on top of indignity at the hands of the robot. The lower legs followed, then the thighs. Piece by piece, Jimu melted the body from the feet up. When he got to the lower torso, Sajak finally grew quiet and motionless.

The crowd cheered and clapped. Children giggled and played. Musicians struck up joyous tunes, and acrobats performed.

In a cruel spectacle, other robots under Jimu’s command then executed General Sajak’s co-conspirators the same way, one by one and piece by piece. Princess Meghina nearly gagged at the odor of charred flesh. Admittedly, these were all bad people, but she couldn’t avoid her feelings of intense sadness. Faking a little sneeze, she leaned forward and wiped tears from her eyes, not wanting anyone to see.

Through it all, she sat silently beside Lorenzo, showing the Doge and the public one face, while concealing another one.

* * * * *

Following the executions, Doge Lorenzo appointed the famed inventor Jacopo Nehr to a new position, surprising many people. Nehr—previously only a reserve colonel—became Supreme General of the Merchant Prince Armed Forces, taking control away from the noble-born princes, whose champion had been Sajak. The new military commander owned several machine manufacturing plants on Hibbil worlds, and preferred the uniformity of those new machines to Jimu and his motley bunch. Still, Nehr could not deny their loyalty or accomplishments, so he rewarded them by commissioning all of them Red Beret officers.

In the process, Jimu was initiated into the rituals and secrets of the elite paramilitary organization, whose primary mission was to protect the Doge. This pleased the robot immensely, but he found himself troubled by the memory of the terrible defeat suffered by the Grand Fleet at Paradij … the biggest military loss in merchant prince history. Sadness and guilt permeated his mechanical brain, but his logical circuitry told him that he had not been at fault, and that he had done his best possible job as Captain of the sentient machines.

Even so, he felt an inexplicable need to make up for the loss, in some manner. The loyal robot vowed to work even harder on behalf of Doge Lorenzo.

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