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The Story Monkeys—Platte Clark, Michael Dalzen, Erik Holmes, and Eric Patten—deserve a lot of credit. They read this somewhat large book in real time as I wrote it. In particular, thanks to Erik, who made a really good point about Darth Vader.

You need companions on the road. My agent, Deborah Warren, has been one of my greatest allies. She was willing to take this book to market, even though I think it wasn’t exactly in her comfort zone.

Larry Correia’s a fierce fighter for his beliefs, so if you’ve crossed swords with him over politics, you may have come away bruised. He is also the most generous writer I know, with his time, with his endorsements, and with his good cheer. Thanks, Larry.

And of course, many, many thanks to Toni Weisskopf, for taking a chance in bringing on a new guy.

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