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CoDominium Chronology

1969     Neil Armstrong sets foot on Earth's moon.

1990-2000     Series of treaties between the United States and the Soviet Union creates the CoDominium. Military research and development outlawed.

1995     Nationalist movements intensify.

1996     French Foreign Legion forms the basic element of the CoDominium Armed Services.

1998     The Church of New Universal Harmony founded.

2004     Charles Castell is born.

2010-100     CoDominium Intelligence Services engage in serious effort to suppress all research into technologies with military applications. They are aided by zero-growth organizations.

2010     Habitable planets discovered in other star systems. Commercial exploitation of new worlds begins.

2020     First interstellar colonies are founded. The CoDominium Space Navy and Marines are created, absorbing the original Co-Dominium Armed Services.

2020     Great Exodus period of colonization begins. First colonists are dissidents, malcontents and voluntary adventurers.

2028     Creation of the Humanity League. Sponsored by the ACLU, Sierra Club and Zero Population groups.

2032     Captain Jed Byers of the CDSS Ranger discovers a planetary-sized moon of a gas giant and names it Haven.

2040     CoDominium Population Control under the aegis of the Bureau of Relocation and Bureau of Corrections begins mass out-system shipments of involuntary colonists.

2041     Edwin Hamilton discovers the first shimmer stones on Haven.

2042     Hamilton sells the location to Dover Mineral Development and is paid a fortune to keep secret the location of their planet of origin.

2043     John Christian Falkenberg, III is born in Rome.

2043     The 26th Marines, Company C, Third Battalion is dispatched to Haven to stop criminal gangs from taking over the colony.

2052     The Shimmer Stone Rush. When the location of shimmer stones becomes public knowledge, it leads to a ?rush? of shimmer stones miners.

2055     The Condominium Bureau of Intelligence orchestrates a revolt by a band of imported criminals, which ends in disaster when their attack on Jamesport fails and their leader, Jomo, is killed.

2057     Chuluun, now "Khan of the Free Tribes of the Steppes," allies with a nearby American settlement ("Independence") to execute a raid on a Dover Mining town in the Shangri-La Valley. His wife Tuya gives birth to Bataar.

2060     Nationalism begins to heighten all over the Earth. The long peace which has been preserved by the CoDominium is now taken for granted. Earth's nations (beginning with Japan) begin to chafe under the CD's yoke. In the USA and the USSR, nationalists begin to question the need for the alliance between the two superpowers.

2066     After eight years as interim colonial governor, Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson is promoted to Consul-General of Haven.

2069     Sergei Lermontov promoted to "Rear Admiral, Captain of the Fleet." (After a very brief tenure as a ship's captain.) He is stationed at Crucis Sector Headquarters. Falkenberg is transferred to the Line Marines and promoted to Captain (youngest in the fleet). He heads the 501st Battalion.

2068/70     Many of the more successful colonies begin pushing for greater independence. Dayan, Friedland, Meiji, and Xanadu (and probably Danube) even begin developing small fleets of their own.

2070/71     Kennicott: John Christian Falkenberg marries Grace, daughter of the militia leader Tobias. After a spectacular campaign, the 42nd is victorious, but its colonel is killed. Major Falkenberg assumes command.

2071     A coalition in the Grand Senate arranges to have Rear Adm. Lermontov promoted to [Junior] Vice-Admiral, and to have Acting Col. Falkenberg promoted to Colonel. Falkenberg doesn't want to leave his wife, and she won't leave Kennicott. Lermontov persuades Falkenberg to leave Kennicott and continue on as the commander of the 42nd Regular Line Regiment by telling him about a conspiracy involving himself and some members of the Grand Senate.

2071     Falkenberg is promoted to Colonel and given permanent control of the 42nd Line Marines. Grace refuses to leave Kennicott and divorces him. Falkenberg begins a series of missions that will soon gain him renown as a great military strategist and also make him known as Lermontov's protégé.

2072     Unrest in Siberia, Turkestan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Upper Mongolia. The USSR and Bureau of Relocation begin massive deportation of Soviet minorities to colony worlds, including Haven.

2074     Capt. Ramsey takes CDSS Daniel Webster into space. About this time, Senator Martin Grant becomes chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Adm. Lermontov becomes Vice-Admiral, Commanding, and is stationed on Luna.

2076     Senator Grant and Cmdr. John Grant Jr. attempt to rescue Barbara Jean Ramsey. Bartholomew Ramsey attempts to rescue the Grants.

2079     Sergei Lermontov becomes Grand Admiral of the Fleet. His appointment is sponsored by the Grants, but Senator Bronson votes to confirm him as well.

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