The Lidless EyeA Pequod Press War World NovelThe New Harmonies were original owners and settlers of Haven until the CoDominium decided any place that inhospitable would make an excellent dumping ground for political exiles, troublesome minorities and garden variety criminals. Over a year from Earth, by way of the old Bureau of Relocation deportee ships, Haven was the end of the line of CoDominium occupied space. During the Imperium, Haven was used as a recruiting ground for the Imperial Marines and became one of the first worlds abandoned when the war against the Sauron dominated Coalition of Secession got ugly. Although humanity has annihilated the Sauron Homeworld, the cost was high: The Empire fell into a Dark Age and the secret of interstellar travel was lost for centuries. When a shipload of Saurons bent on conquest arrives unexpectedly, War World goes from pest-hole to Hellhole. Haven, born of rebellion and civil war, cut-off from the rest of humanity after the Secession Wars, is bombed back to barbarism by the Sauron battlecruiser, the Fomoria, under the disguise of a pirate ship, the Dol Guldur. The Saurons—in fear of Imperial revenge—have vowed to cut Haven off from the rest of the Empire while they slowly absorb all human norms into their own perverted form. The human norms should have been easy pickings for the superhuman newcomers. However, what the Saurons hadn’t anticipated was that Haven is a world forever at war, each with all—and all against the Saurons. Cover image © Alan Gutierrez. |
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. First printing, 2013 Distributed by Pequod Press |
eISBN: 978-0-937912-43-0Copyright 2013 by John F. Carr and Donald Hawthorne Portions of this novel by John F. Carr and Donald Hawthorne first appeared in War World: Vol. I The Burning Eye, Vol. II Death’s Head Rebellion, Vol. IV, Invasion, edited by Jerry E. Pournelle and John F. Carr, published by Baen Books in 1988, 1998 and 1991; and War World: The Battle of Sauron, 1st Edition in 2007. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. Electronic version by Baen Books |