
Conscience of the Beagle

Terrorists are loose on Tennyson

Earth has sent its toughest cop to the planet Tennyson to uncover who is behind the terrorist attacks.

None of the evidence makes sense. Everything points to Tennyson’s government as the prime suspect in the bombings—and Major Dyle Holloway and his team are there at its invitation. Is Minister of Science Vanderslice really there to help, or does he have his own plan to catch the killers?

But Holloway is still carrying a case with him, the brutal murder of his wife—the only case he never solved. If only Dyle hadn’t loved his wife so much. If only he didn’t carry her memory with him. If only he wasn’t steeped in guilt, then perhaps he could focus, could determine who is behind the murders. But the slaughter makes no more sense than the death of his wife, and the clues are equally bizarre, equally impossible to reconcile with reality ...

Cover Art: Andreus

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, 1993 by First Books

Distributed by Event Horizon EBooks/Event Horizon Publishing Group
4103 S. Texas Avenue, Suite 219-A
Bryan, Texas 77802

eISBN: 123-0-00031-008-0

Copyright 2015 Patricia Anthony

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

Electronic version by Baen Books and Event Horizon EBooks/Event Horizon Publishing Group
