
Grantville Gazette-Volume VIII

Like sands through the hourglass—these are . . .
Oops. Wrong soap opera.

Grantville, West Virginia got transported to 1632 Germany and boy, has that ever caused a ruckus in Europe. And it just keeps causing one ruckus after another.

Not only has the town become a haven for every known faith under the sun, some of the lesser known sects are infiltrating. Along with new con games—although it does turn out that there's nothing new under the sun in that regard.

Elections? In Fulda! Well, the knights didn't like that idea at all. On the other hand, those new blacksmithing techniques are spreading and all sorts of new technology is traveling the world. Rumors abound, both in the military and without.

Beer is important? How? Why? And just what is going on back in North America these days? Questions of faith, questions of philosophy . . . what all is going on?

Bet you'll find out in this issue. Come join us in the continuing stories of what happens when West Virginia democracy meets Old World (really old world) nobility.

Grantville Gazette Volume Eight – right here, right now.


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, June 2006

Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Printed in the United States of America

DOI: 1011250021

Copyright© 2006 by Eric Flint

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

A Baen Books Original
Baen publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471

Electronic version by Baen Books
